Monday, May 22, 2006

Midnight Work by Kassandra Sims

Midnight Work - By Kassandra Sims - Romance - pgs 351. I don't recommend reading this book. I hate writing that. I never thought I would say a book was bad but this one is. The plot is bizarre, it has potential to end in many place but doesn't, and when it does end it's in a weird spot. Unfortunately I'll probably end up reading her next one just to find out what they hell happens to everyone. I'm kind of hoping I forgot. The basic plot is this main female lead is a religious histories major working on her masters. Turns out she was part of this ancient religion in a past life that knew how to make a vampire. Main male lead vampire from ancient religion. Male lead finds female lead and turns her into a vampire when she would have died by accident. Female lead turns best friend in time of need. Turns out best friend is a member of ancient religion as well. Huh convenient. Secondary male also ancient vampire from ancient religion. Everyone goes on a killing spree except the male lead. Throw in a mix of crazy faery jerk and you have midnight work.


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