Monday, November 06, 2006


I had a funny thought yesterday. What if you were a werewolf running with a wolf pack when a nature group found you and tagged you. Wouldn't that just be hilarious. Of course the only way that could happen is if you were running with them during the daytime cause tagging at night is to dangerous. So you're pretty safe if you avoid hanging out in wolf form during the daytime. Then you just have to be worried about illegal activities. As far as I know there aren't many illegal activities surrounding the capturing and killing of wolf. I could be completely wrong there though. I thought they would probably just say you were attacking them and they could kill a wolf though.

But I was telling my honey about the wolf thing when he asked me about how many vampires end up burred. I don't think many would end up buried. I wonder though how many end up in the morgue mid autopsy. I mean if someone finds a john or Jane doe and they don't know how or why they died they do an autopsy. It would so suck waking up on a mortitions table with half your organs removed.

Well I think I've babbled enough for today. Talk to you all tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have a book write up for you I'm like 30 pages to the end.


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