Thursday, February 15, 2007

Keeping up appearances.

There are a lot of things paranormal people don't need to do that regular everyday Joe's do. Sometimes those things are obvious an need to be done to keep up appearances.
Vampires are the most susceptible to being noticed.
*First thing is they don't need to breath where most other paranormals and humans have to do. In order to blend in they should definitely make an effort to breath.
*Eating is important as well. Most vampires can't eat. They would if they could but they can't. However it's important to look like you're eating. Keeping some basic groceries in the house are important. Going to the store every so often is important. Also keeping dishes in the house is important. Even the biggest bachelor has some dishes. They may be plastic or old jelly jars but there are dishes. Without them it's obvious you never eat. Plus some basic appliances. You need like a toaster and coffee maker. OK I know some humans don't have these but most do.
*Bathing is important. I know some of you magical people don't have to worry about it. Some magic and all clean. Well even if you aren't going to use it you should have some bath supplies. Soap, shampoo, and conditioner are easy things and can be bought cheap. You might also wanna think about a razor and shaving cream.
*Clothing should be hanging in your closet. Even if you can zap clothes out of clean air you need to look like you pull things out to wear like everyone else. If you must go to the salvation army and pick things up. It's doubly good to make sure you actually could wear it if you needed too.

Well I'm sure there is much much more but it's time for me to get ready for the day. Have fun everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, after reading that it makes me wonder if some people I know are vampires; like the guy with beer, paper plates and a stack of old pizza boxes, or the guy with a dozen differnt types of musterd a canned ham they got at Christmas, an espresso machine and a large collection of mostly unused china and flatwear. In short I think vampires would just look like single men with no food in the fridge, althougt a 1/2 eaten moldy iteam of undetermanal age wouldn't hurt.

10:23 AM  

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