Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The daughters Grim

The Daughters Grim. This is a romance. It's a stand alone book. I love this authors works. they're based on twisting fairy tales. There are 4 sisters in the Grim family. The family has been through hard times and had no money to pay dowerys on their daughters. They seem doomed to die spinsters. The eldest grim sister decided to take things into her own hands and contacted her aunt in the black forest. It was just a coincidences that the black forest had a large population of paranormal creatures. Right and if you believe that I had some water from property to sell you. The family can only afford to send two of the sisters so the prettiest and the oldest go and have very interesting adventures that I will leave you to read about.


Blogger JR Van said...

Who wrote it?

11:39 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

minda webber

6:08 PM  

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