Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Would America be a haven for paranormals because of the freedoms we enjoy (or think we do at least)? Well while I do believe our freedoms are being deminished by the current political climate. I also still believe that we have it better then most. My thought is it would probably be nicer here for most paranormals then in other places. We have large areas with 24 hr establishments. We have large metro area's that have high crime rates so any odd activity would fly under the radar. We also have large parks where wolves would be just another bit of wildlife. On top of that we have a large selection of stores. You don't have to grow your own weird herbs and dry them you can buy them. Shopping for rare things on the internet isn't looked at as bizzare. You might get added to some lists if any of the ingredients you buy can make something that blows up but you're most likely not going to be invaded in the middle of the night. Well unless you then make discouraging comments about the government and put your money in the wrong places. But that would be for a different website. Have a nice day everyone.


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