Thursday, January 25, 2007

Getting Furry

Now first I wanna say I'm not talking about the cause of lacanthropcey (sorry if this is misspelled). I'm talking about the change from human to werewolf.

Most leave it pretty vague. I think that's generally a good idea. I mean most werewolf's aren't going to want to talk about it and most outside viewers aren't likely to live through seeing it.

Basically from my view there are really three ways.
One is it's magic, two is it's physical and boy does it hurt, three is a combination of the first two.

It's magic is just that. Basically one second you have a human then poof you have a werewolf. I usually find this one a bit to convenient.

It's physical usually means that one moment you have a human then over a series of painful moments to like an hour you have a werewolf. Usually it's gross and messy. Also not my most favorite.

It's a combination of the first two is my favorite. Basically through magic (and usually some bit of acceptance) the change is neither horribly messy nor horribly painful but still takes more then just it's magic.

I know these are horribly simplified to contain most of the ways but I like things simple. Things get to complex and you have trouble keeping up with them. I think that's important to remember while writing. At least if you don't want fans going but didn't you say that blah.


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