Sunday, January 28, 2007

Immortality and changing fashion

One of the things immortals tend to have issues with is change. I mean you can only go so long without learning about new things. Think about how many people still have troubles operating there vcr and those aren't even in production anymore (well at least in the US). So then you think about fashion. Things in fashion change before the stuff that's out can go on sale. What happens to those who are used to doing up corsets and having hand maids to dress them. Suddenly they blink their eyes and girls are wearing jeans. Well frequently what happens is they fail to adjust and they pass into obscurity and pass on. Walking into the sun is frequently easier then to learn how to wear pants. However the well adjusted immortal learns. They learn that they can blend in with the eccentric if they have enough money or that jeans really are comfortable. Now if I can only find the clothes I want to wear for a non immortal I'll be happy.


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