Monday, January 07, 2008

books I read in 2007

Holidays are hell - anthology - scifi - First two stories are good. Don't bother with the second two.

No Rest for the Witches - anthology - scifi - again mixed results. Some are good some aren't worth reading.

Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer - Teen. All good books. You should check them out. Also if you're looking for something that fits within christian boundries you should check these out.

Have a happy year in 2008


Blogger JR Van said...

Yahh!!!! Your back! I missed your blog, although I understand why you didn't get to it in so long. Is Stephenie Meyer that Morman woman that's writing vampire books with religious vampires then, as I remember reading about that last year, but I frogot the author's name and I think the idea is a little odd. It's not like most vampire books we get in America aren't in a way Christian as in most all cases of evil vampires the way to stop them is with crosses, holy water and other religiously connected things.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like the two first stories in Holidays are Hell.
The other two were ok. Trying to decide if it would be worth it to read a whole novel by those authors, probably not.
Hope you had Happy Holidays.

5:19 AM  

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