Thursday, June 28, 2007


I was just thinking. Why would God create man and give him free will but keep all those poor angels subject to his whims and not give them free will? That would kid of suck. I mean I know you need people to do your bidding without question and all but wouldn't it be better if they were volunteering for the job. Like oh I really believe in that dude Gods work I could really get on board with that.

Then again if angels had free will and decided not to work for God would they lose either powers. Are their powers like a gift to get the job done or are the part of being an angel?

Ok just random thoughts cause I was looking at the cover if this book I read last week and it's got an angel on it.


Blogger JR Van said...


Angels have free will and get to keep their powers if they chose not to follow God. What do you think the devil and all the demons are from. They are angels that desided that they wanted to not do what God said to. They are still powerful, just using the powers for their own gains and not the good of everything.


P.S. To answer the next most likey follow up question; fallen angels ended up going strait to Hell, while humans can mess up time and time again and end up in Heaven, because of the whole they got to see God face to face and talk with Him and understand and do things that humans never could (while alive or maybe ever.)

2:18 PM  

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