Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays to all.

Ok so we all know that names have power. Well apparently so do names of holidays. It apparently really matters if you say merry Christmas or happy holidays. In fact I find that saying Happy Holidays has the power to make some groups of people freaking crazy mad. You'd be surprised the reaction. It's so strong that I have to believe it magical. They say that in not saying Merry Christmas we are taking away from their holiday. Well in a way we are. In fact for those that know me they know that I call it present day. Present day is one of my favorite holidays. I love to give presents even more then get them. But present day means nothing. Christmas means something. However what these people fail to comprehend is that by saying Merry Christmas we diminish all the other holidays. So in the name of fair play we diminish all of them. We don't say Happy Yule or Happy Hanuka. We just say Happy Holidays. Gah can you imagine what it would be like if every retail assistant had to acknowledge all of the holidays. I mean I didn't even acknowledge them all. There are even more holidays in the month of december. Well everyoneo I hope you have a wonderful day and a great holiday.


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