Friday, December 15, 2006

Imps + Chaos theory = Xmas problems

ok Imps are little creatures that create problems with things. Usually they are annoying but harmless. Breaking chairs so when you sit on them they fall apart. They are like the upholders of Murphy's law. They usually aren't a problem. Now they can be an issue if a large amount of them band together. Then they can take down much bigger things.

Now Chaos theory. You hear about it every time someone refers to that darned butterfly causing a hurricane and if I can find the butterfly I'm going to do something. Basically it's a math and physics way of trying to make sense of things that make no sense.

Ok how does this make Christmas a mass of crap that drives us all nuts. Ok Imps are already in it to make trouble. So they are running around making problems for us all that we blame on Murphy. We look at the malls and the roadways before Xmas and we blame it on chaos. But I'm sure it's just a large plot mixed up by the imps to make things complicated this holiday season. First they attack cars and give them flat tires and make all the little things break that we didn't expect to break. We say it's the cold but again it's the imps. Then you look at the problems at the registers. You have computers freezing, running out of paper, and slow credit card/check readers. That's all the imps too. It's not an overloaded server somewhere trying it's best to keep up with the thousands of last minute shoppers running around. It's all the imps.

I wanted to say I'm sorry for not getting something out yesterday. I woke up 15 min before I was supposed to leave for work and it just didn't happen.


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