Saturday, July 01, 2006


There are so many different types of witches I'm not going to be able to cover even half of them. So I'm just going to cover two today.

Ok your basic witch is usually female and most often human if not at least humanoid. Usually male magic users are called sorcerers.

So the first type I'll cover is shaman. Shaman are one of the few brake the male female rule. They are magic users that are highly tied to the earth. Usually based off the native American shaman. You have totem animals and spirit guides. They give advise to the shaman and help point them in the right direction. I've only read a few books with shaman in them and I know next to nothing about Native American beliefs so I hope I didn't piss anyone off.

Another type of witch is based on wicks. Again a male can be a Wiccan but for some reason in science fiction books they are almost 100% female. While these witches can be nature based they don't have to be. They are very big into tools. They don't have spirit guides (or at lest not often. If they do they are ghosts are something like that), They do however use tarot cards and other tools to determine what to do. Their main rule is an it harm none do what though will.


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