Monday, January 08, 2007

You Inherited What!?!

I can't even began to count the number of times that someone inherits something important in books. Now before you think, wow that's vague, I'm going to go into examples. I'm talking about inheriting life long job positions that don't usually pay. Take buff the vampire slayer. She inherited the slayers position. She was born for it. Boy that really sucks. I know you might have wanted to go to college and have a life. Perhaps have kids and a nice white picket fence but you have to slay the monsters and save the world. If you choice not to do this well the world will end. Have a nice day. OK that so sucks. Talk about guilt trip. Then there is Anita Blake from Hamilton. Apparently in that universe you're born with the gift to raise zombies and that pretty much makes you stuck doing it. No ability to say not thank you I think I'll knit. Then the Dante Valentine novels were you are born with your powers and that sticks you into a specific job. There isn't any wiggle room like there is for Anita. She could have chosen from a few jobs but not Dante. It's oh here's your birth certificate and you job. Now Anita and Dante have it up on Buffy a bit. Buffy can't tell anyone what she does. She doesn't make any money. And half the time the people she saves are jerks. So I say Buffy wins the pity party on that one. So is it worth it to have amazing super powers if you have little free will? I'm not really sure I'd have to find out what my super power was first and then let you know.


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